Source code for flask_cache_manifest.extension
import logging
import json
import os
from flask import request, url_for
EXT_NAME = "Flask-Cache-Manifest"
class FlaskCacheManifest(object):
def __init__(self, app=None):
Constructor function for FlaskCacheManifest. It will call
:func:`FlaskCacheManifest.init_app` automatically if the
app parameter is provided.
:param app: A Flask application.
:type app: flask.Flask
""" = app
self.manifests = {}
if app is not None:
def init_app(self, app):
Initializes the extension and loads the various
:code:`cache_manifest.json` files. It adds :func:`hashed_url_for`
to the template globals for use in Jinja templates.
:param app: A Flask application.
:type app: flask.Flask
""" = app
app.config.setdefault('CACHE_MANIFEST_REPLACE_URL_FOR', False)
self.load_manifest("static", app)
for endpoint, blueprint in app.blueprints.items():
self.load_manifest(f"{endpoint}.static", blueprint)
app.add_template_global(self.hashed_url_for, name='hashed_url_for')
app.add_template_global(self.hashed_url_for, name='url_for')
def load_manifest(self, endpoint, scaffold):
Called automatically during :any:`init_app` but can be called manually
to load blueprints after the initialization.
:param endpoint: The endpoint the blueprint is registered as.
:type endpoint: str
:param scaffold: A Flask application or a registered blueprint.
:type scaffold: flask.Blueprint
if not scaffold.has_static_folder:
manifest_path = os.path.join(scaffold._static_folder,
with scaffold.open_resource(manifest_path, "r") as f:
self.manifests[endpoint] = json.load(f)
except json.JSONDecodeError:
f"{EXT_NAME} | Couldn't decode file: {manifest_path}")
except PermissionError:
f"{EXT_NAME} | Couldn't access file: {manifest_path}")
except (FileNotFoundError, Exception):
def hashed_url_for(self, endpoint, **values):
Generate a URL to the given endpoint with the given values by
Extending the functionality of Flask's :func:`url_for()<flask.url_for>`.
Arguments will be forwarded to url_for, with the only
:code:`values['filename']` being mutated to the appropriate hashed
:param endpoint: The endpoint of the URL (name of the function).
:type endpoint: str
:param values: The variable arguments of the URL rule.
:type _values: any
:param _external: If set to ``True``, an absolute URL is generated.
Server address can be changed via ``SERVER_NAME``
configuration variable which falls back to the `Host`
header, then to the IP and port of the request.
:type _external: bool, optional
:param _scheme: A string specifying the desired URL scheme.
The `_external` parameter must be set to ``True`` or a
:exc:`ValueError` is raised. The default behavior uses
the same scheme as the current request, or
:ref:`app configuration <flask.config>` if no request context
is available. As of Werkzeug 0.10, this also can be set
to an empty string to build protocol-relative URLs.
:type _scheme: str, optional
:param _anchor: If provided this is added as anchor to the URL.
:type _anchor: str, optional
:param _method: If provided this explicitly specifies an HTTP method.
:type _method: str, optional
:rtype: str
if request is not None:
blueprint_name = request.blueprint
if endpoint[:1] == ".":
if blueprint_name is not None:
endpoint = f"{blueprint_name}{endpoint}"
endpoint = endpoint[1:]
manifest = self.manifests.get(endpoint, {})
filename = values.get("filename", None)
values['filename'] = manifest.get(filename, filename)
return url_for(endpoint, **values)