
Get yourself up and running quickly.



Flask-favicon is available on the Python Package Index. This makes installing it with pip as easy as:

pip install flask-favicon


If you want the latest code or even feel like contributing, the code is available on GitHub.

You can easily clone the code with git:

git clone git://github.com/maxdup/flask-favicon.git

and install it from the repo directory with:

python setup.py install
# or
pip install .


The extension needs to be loaded alongside your Flask application. All favicons need to be declared during app creation with register_favicon. You may register any amount of favicons. You should have at least one favicon named as 'default'

Here's a minimal example of how this is done:

from flask import Flask, Blueprint
from flask_favicon import FlaskFavicon

flaskFavicon = FlaskFavicon()

app = Flask('my-app')

bp = Blueprint('my-blueprint', __name__)

flaskFavicon.register_favicon('source/favicon.png', 'default') # filename, favicon identifier
flaskFavicon.register_favicon('source/favicon-alt.png', 'default-alt')
flaskFavicon.register_favicon('source/promo.png', 'promo')



Initiallizing FlaskFavicon provides you with a Jinga template to be inserted in your <head>.

<!-- _head.html -->
  {% include "flask-favicon.html" %}

By default, the flask-favicon.html template will be populated with the favicon registered as 'default'.

To use the alternative favicons as declared earlier, you can use Flask-favicon's use_favicon decorator alongside route declarations.

from flask import Blueprint, render_template
from flask_favicon import use_favicon

bp_site = Blueprint('site', __name__)

# will use 'default' favicon
def index():
    return render_template('index.html')

def promo():
    return render_template('promo-page.html')

def special_event():
    return render_template('special-page.html')


@use_favicon() comes after the @bp.route() decorator.